Maryland Coordinated Entry TA Available

Hi all,

As Korrin mentioned in her earlier email, I am taking over as your HUD TA Regional Team Point of Contact.  

HUD is excited to offer your Continuum of Care Technical Assistance (TA) on Coordinated Entry. This voluntary and time-limited TA is intended to support your community in complying with the HUD Notice Establishing Additional Requirements for a CoC Centralized or Coordinated Assessment System by January 23rd, 2018.

To help you accomplish this, your community can take advantage of up to 16 hours of TA to support your utilization and review of the HUD Coordinated Entry Self-Assessment tool. Attached to this email you will find a copy of this tool and a flyer explaining this initiative. Technical assistance may be expanded at the discretion of HUD based on availability of resources and agreed upon needs.

No matter where your CoC is in the design and implementation process of your coordinated entry system, your CoC may take advantage of this TA. Simply reply to this email to request assistance. Our TA will not be affected by the release of the CoC NOFA, but may be paused at the request of your CoC. It should be noted that your CoC's decision to utilize this TA will not impact your CoC's score in the upcoming CoC NOFA. You have until September 1st, 2017 to respond to this request or as long as TA resources are available.

In addition, the Regional TA teams will support two to three Coordinated Entry Self-Assessment "Clinic Hours." These calls will allow CoCs to meet remotely with HUD and TA Providers to discuss and troubleshoot the "self-assessment" process. Your CoC will be able to participate in these calls regardless of whether you "opt-in" to this TA initiative. Further details about these "Clinic Hours" will be coming soon.

I also want to make sure your CoC is aware of all the latest Tools and Resources on Coordinated Entry that have been posted to, so I have linked to a few below. Make sure to check them out!
For more resources related to Coordinated Entry, view the CoC Responsibilities and Duties toolkit. You can also submit questions on Coordinated Entry to the HUD AAQ (you can submit Coordinated Entry questions to either the Continuum of Care or Emergency Solutions Grant desks, depending on the nature of your question).
Please let me know if your CoC accepts the offer of TA, as well as if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you,