Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Announces Emergency Solutions Grant Awards
Over $2.9 million awarded to support homeless shelters and services
New Carrollton, MD (September 6, 2017) - The Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development today announced the recipients of Fiscal Year 2018 grants through the Emergency Solutions Grants program. Over $2.9 million in program grants will assist homeless shelters and support homeless services in 19 counties and five municipalities in Maryland. In Fiscal Year 2017, over 6,200 Marylanders experiencing or at risk of homelessness were assisted with services through the Emergency Solutions Grants program. The awards are expected to leverage over $3.4 million in additional funding.
"Homelessness affects all parts of Maryland," said Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Secretary Kenneth C. Holt. "The state is proud to partner with local communities and nonprofit service providers through the Emergency Solutions Grants program to shelter and support this vulnerable population."
Emergency Solutions Grants funds are used to support shelter operations, outreach, as well as prevention and rapid re-housing. Rapid re-housing is an important, evidence-based strategy that quickly moves homeless households back into housing and provides time-limited services that are scaled to the need of the family.
The Fiscal Year 2018 Emergency Solutions Grants program awardees are:
Allegany County - $128,000
Allegany County Human Resources Development Commission - $100,100
Family Crisis Resource Center - $27,900
City of Annapolis
City of Baltimore
Calvert County - $97,900
Calvert Affordable Housing Alliance - $25,300
Community Ministry of Calvert County - $13,200
Project ECHO - $59,400
Caroline County
Carroll County
Cecil County - $112,600
Cecil County Men's Shelter - $27,100
Deep Roots, Inc. - $35,600
Human Services Development Corporation, Inc. - $49,900
Charles County - $97,200
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington, DC- Angel's Watch - $32,500
LifeStyles of MD Foundation, Inc. - $31,800
Robert Fuller Transitional House - $32,900
Town of Denton
Dorchester County - $122,250
Delmarva Community Services, Inc. - $117,900
Dorchester County - $4,350
Frederick County - $116,200
Advocates for Homeless Families - $51,300
Heartly House, Inc. - $64,900
City of Frederick - $99,900
Frederick Community Action Agency - $47,000
The Religious Coalition for Emergency Human Needs - $52,900
Garrett County
Harford County - $130,050
Anna's House / Associated Catholic Charities, Inc. - $10,400
Harford Community Action Agency, Inc. - $101,700
Harford County Department of Housing and Community Development - $9,350
Sexual Assault/Spousal Abuse Resource Center - $8,600
Howard County - $127,700
Bridges to Housing Stability, Inc. - $22,000
Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center - $14,000
HopeWorks of Howard County - $45,700
Howard County Department of Corrections - $46,000
Kent County
Prince George's County
Queen Anne's County
City of Salisbury - $126,400
City of Salisbury - $25,000
Diakonia, Inc. - $77,600
Samaritan Ministries - $23,800
Somerset County - $112,800
Catholic Charities Seton Center - $61,600
Somerset Committee for the Homeless, Inc. - $51,200
St. Mary's County - $125,000
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Washington, DC- Angel's Watch - $22,800
Three Oaks Center - $102,200
Talbot County
Washington County - $143,250
CASA, Inc. - $19,900
REACH, Inc. - $58,300
Washington County - $4,350
Washington County Community Action Council, Inc. - $60,700
Worcester County - $119,900
Training and Technical Assistance to Continuums of Care & Data Warehouse - $120,000
Special Population Homelessness Initiative - $293,477
TOTAL - $2,940,797
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