Pre-Conference Data Analytics Institute!
Date: October 10, 2017, 12:00pm – 4:00pm
Cost: $25.00
Description: This Institute will help HMIS representatives understand the fundamentals of data analytics and how to apply that knowledge to key performance measures.
To successfully change the homeless service system and improve projects, the community needs reliable and comprehensive information. Critical to meeting this need is the ability of CoCs to examine HMIS data sets in order to find patters and draw conclusions. Once analyzed, the results can be presented to target stakeholder groups, allowing for improved service and resource decision-making. For example, if you conduct outlier analysis on length of stay, the results could help your CoC determine if the average length of stay is being skewed by a small number of individuals with much longer-than-average lengths of stay. Understanding this allows stakeholders to account for the outliers when making strategic decisions to help shorten the overall length of stay in the community.
During this Institute, you will 1) learn fundamental analytic concepts; 2) understand the process for identifying the right data set to address specific analytic needs; and 3) identify trends, patterns and relationships in the selected data set. Attendees are encouraged to bring a laptop and a data set to analyze during the Institute. Information about the data set will be sent to attendees in advance of the session (a list of fields to include, a list of fields to exclude and data quality expectations).
Abby Miller, SNAPS Office, HUD
Fran Ledger, Canavan Associates
Sarah Kahn, Cloudburst Group
Jamie Taylor, Cloudburst Group
Register Today
Fall 2017 NHSDC conference is a HUD-approved conference!
As in past years, the Fall 2017 NHSDC conference is a HUD-approved conference. This means that HMIS funds awarded under the Continuum of Care (CoC) program may be used to attend the 2017 NHSDC Fall conference. CoC funds included in either the CoC's HMIS dedicated grant or in an HMIS line item in a project budget may be used for costs associated with attendance at HUD-approved training sessions, such as this NHSDC conference. HMIS funds awarded under the Continuum of Care (CoC) and Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Programs may be used to attend the 2017 NHSDC Fall Conference. Projects without funds designated for HMIS cannot use funds from other budget line items (e.g., project admin funds) to attend this event.
We look forward to seeing you in October!