Happy New Year! While ringing in the start of 2018, HUD’s Office of Special Needs Assistance Programs (SNAPS) would like to remind you of the many resources available on the HUD Exchange for Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program recipients and subrecipients. Whether you are new to the ESG Program or just need a refresher, please take some time to browse through the guides, tools, and webinars designed to help you administer your program with greater ease and efficiency. Here is a catalogue of ESG Program materials to assist you:
ESG Resources Page
New to ESG?
The following resources describe the basic ESG Program requirements:
Key Concepts and Requirements
Periodically, HUD issues short “ SNAPS-Shots” covering key concepts related to ESG program requirements:
Other critical program requirements are detailed in two in-depth guidance documents and a matrix:
Eligibility and Documentation
Understanding the homeless and at risk of homelessness definitions can be challenging for some communities – especially when it comes to determining and documenting eligibility for ESG rapid re-housing and homelessness prevention assistance. It is critical that recipients and subrecipients are evaluating individuals and families for assistance correctly – not only for compliance purposes but also to ensure that ESG funds are being used to serve those most in need of assistance. The following materials can help providers correctly determine and document program participant eligibility:
Data Collection, Reporting, & Planning
There are multiple data collection and reporting systems that are relevant for ESG recipients and subrecipients, including the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), the Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS), eCon Planning Suite (located within IDIS), and the Sage HMIS Reporting Repository (Sage). The following materials can help recipients and subrecipients understand these various data collection and reporting system requirements:
eCon Planning Suite & Consolidated Planning
Important Cross-Cutting Concepts
Some cross-cutting programmatic practices are required by the ESG regulations, such as consultation with Continuums of Care (CoCs) and participation in coordinated entry. HUD strongly encourages recipients and subrecipients to adopt other key program elements, such as emphasizing rapid re-housing, implementing a low-barrier approach to emergency shelter, and using a Housing First model. While not all are ESG Program-specific, the following resources can assist recipients and subrecipients to understand and incorporate these important practices into their communities’ efforts to end homelessness:
Through the publication of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), HUD offers clarifying information and guidance that may not be stated as explicitly elsewhere. All ESG Program FAQs are available on the ESG Program FAQs page.
Sign up for ESG Listserv
Don’t miss out when new resources and updates to existing ESG Program materials are posted to the HUD Exchange! Ensure you are signed up for the HUD Exchange ESG Listserv to receive announcements by going to the HUD Exchange Mailing List and selecting "ESG" from the program list.