The March 2018 ART Gallery Update includes the following updates to the ART Gallery available as of 03/26/2018:
- 0628 - HIC Supplement - v8 - This report contains the recent HUD changes and is ready for 2018 PIT/HIC submission.
- 0630 - Sheltered-Unsheltered PIT 2018 - v21 - This report contains minor fixes and is ready for 2018 PIT/HIC submission
The "0629 - Housing Inventory Count - v16" will be available in the ART Gallery on Monday, April 2nd 2018. If you need this report before this date, please create a case requesting this report in SalesForce. Please note it could take a couple of days to get you the report due to limited resources.
System Performance Measures/Data Quality Framework Update:
The System Performance Measures reports and the Data Quality Framework are due to HUD by May 31, 2018. We have found some minor issues in the below reports and we will be working on updates to them.
- 0640 - HUD Data Quality Framework Report
- 0701 - Exits to Permanent Housing with Return to Homelessness, Metric 2
- 0706 - Permanent Housing Placement-Retention Metric 7
We are also working on updating the
0252 - Data Completeness Report (EE) report with the latest changes from HUD. We currently expect it to be released by mid-April 2018.
We will send out an announcement when the revised reports are available in the ART Gallery.
Please contact your CCA if you have any questions.