HUD LSA Export Update

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HUD LSA Export Update
HUD has sent out an announcement that they are extending the deadline for vendors to have the LSA export in HMIS. This is due to extensive changes to the report programming specifications. HUD will be meeting with vendors on September 6th to provide more details about the changes. Once we have more information we will send out another update announcement with the new release date for the LSA export in ServicePoint.
Here is a link to the HUD announcement:
In the interim, please make sure at minimum the following objects contain information and current HUD picklist values where applicable for your providers that you wish to include in the LSA export:
  • CoC Code
  • CoC Code Geocode
  • CoC Code Geography Type
  • CoC Code Start Date
  • Operating Start Date
  • Organization Identifier
  • Project Type
  • Housing Type
  • Continuum Project (Must be set to "Yes" for inclusion)
The export will also check the "CoC Code End Date" and "Operating End Date" but it does allow for them to be blank for providers that are still serving clients.
We highly recommend using the "0227 Project Descriptor Data Elements Data Quality" report available in the ART Gallery to review this information for your providers.
You may also access additional HUD resources/information about the LSA report in this library in the Customer Community:  "HACS ServicePoint AHAR/LSA". We will update the documents in the library once HUD has provided us with updated documentation.

Please contact your CCA if you have further questions.
Mediware Information Systems, Inc.
11711 W. 79th St. | Lenexa, KS 66214 | (888) MEDIWARE