PSH VACANCY: 1 Bedroom Unit (Baltimore County, MD)

CAN Permanent Supportive Housing Program
Valerie Hux, Program Manager
Hillendale Office, 6600 Wycombe Way
Baltimore, MD  21234
Arbutus Office, 4000 Southwestern Blvd.
Baltimore, MD  21229
410.285.4674 xt.306 / Fax # 410.339.6457

Criteria for CAN Permanent Supportive Housing Program

o   Candidate must be chronically homeless w/ disability and receiving  SSDI/SSI/Cash Asst. (proof of income)
§  *Example of disability could be one or more than of the following:
·         Serious physical or chronic medical condition (prohibiting work)
·          Mental health diagnosis
·         Substance use disorder
·         Developmental disability
·         HIV/AIDS
o   Must have proof of chronic homelessness (1 year of chronic living on street or 3-4 yrs. in/out of shelters)
o   Must have proof of disability (an official diagnosis documentation from licensed professional healthcare facility/provider)
o   Income documentation, (i.e.  Award Letter., etc.)
o   Must have proper identification (Maryland ID and Social Security Card)
o   Third party referral letter on letterhead
o   Self Statement Certification From.
*HUD’s definition of Chronic Homeless/Disability 
§  Disabling condition is defined as a diagnosable:
·         substance use disorder
·          serious mental illness
·          developmental disability
·         chronic physical/medical illness or disability
·         including the co-occurrence of two or more of the these conditions

CAN-Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Program (Samaritan and Arbutus) is for Single Adults – no age limit (Arbutus has women ONLY).

*Limits an individual’s ability to work or perform one or more activities of daily living.