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Sex Acts or Lose Your Voucher? "It's Just Evil"

Tuesday, August 7, 2018
In This Issue: Taking Sexual Harassment Seriously: Tips for Nonprofit Housers ● Sex Acts or Lose Your Voucher? "It's Just Evil" ● Also: Jobs ● Shelter Shorts ● Resources ● Opportunities +
Jessica Lussenhop, BBC News
Across the U.S., sexual harassment and assault at the hands of landlords, property managers, and others in the housing industry can drive poor women and their children into homelessness. Here are some of their stories. Read Full Article
Miriam Axel-Lute, Shelterforce
Sexual harassment is a topic that’s not often addressed in the community development field, but it should be. Read Full Article
Shelterforce Staff
Addressing Hunger on Campus | Redesigning the Homeless Shelter | Holding Landlords Accountable | NYC Says No To Uber & Lyft | Protecting Voucher Holders | More . . . Quick Takes From Our Editors
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Wednesday, Aug. 8, 2:30 p.m. EDT | CRA 101 Webinar | Since 1990, the Community Reinvestment Act has led to over $1 trillion in mortgages, small business loans, and economic development for underserved neighborhoods. Learn how the CRA process works, how you can influence how banks are serving your community, and how your organization can participate in NCRC's campaign to protect this crucially important legislation in light of recently proposed changes to the legislation.
USDA Housing Preservation Grants | This program provides grants to sponsoring organizations for the repair or rehabilitation of housing owned or occupied by low- and very-low-income rural citizens. USDA will award a total of $10 million in Housing Preservation Grant Program funding for the repair and rehabilitation of rural housing units. Click here to learn more about who may apply, what areas are eligible, how funds may be used, and more. Application deadline is August 9.
Advancing Health Equity Through Housing Funding Opportunity | This Kresge Foundation funding opportunity aims to support innovative, multi-sector solutions to housing instability that improve housing affordability and quality through policy and practice changes, generated by community residents. Planning grants of up to $100,000 and operating support grants of up to $200,000 per year for two years will be awarded. Submission deadline is August 13.
Gehl Institute: Inclusive Healthy Places | Despite the growing evidence connecting place and health, there are few available resources to help planners and policymakers identify the evidence needed to make decisions and fund public space projects that promote individual and community health and well-being. To bridge these gaps, Gehl Institute, with support from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, developed the Inclusive Healthy Places Framework. Download the report here.
Family Centered Social Policy Report: The Racialized Costs of Banking, Fighting Work Requirements, and Supporting Democracy | New America offers this report that discusses findings from an investigation into the racialized costs and fees associated with entry-level checking accounts from a sample of primarily small and community Main Street banks. Contradicting the wholesome stereotype of Main Street banks, balance requirements are higher and fee structures are more punishing among banks in black and Latinx communities than in majority white areas.
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You Said It!

Thank you so much for covering this issue. In our current study of healthy public housing redevelopment, mental health, stress, and positive social connections have come up as one of the most important issues. But, there has been surprisingly little research on… —Michelle Rushing, more

Editor/Author Reply
Keep us up to date on what you find! We’ll be running a couple of articles that touch on this in the next few weeks as well. —Miriam Axel-Lute

I would love to see a push to build allies out of groups traditionally seen as counter to, or at odds with, the tenant protection advocates. Developers and the homebuilding industry, for example, actually stand to gain by ensuring renters have stronger rights, but we need to work to identify… —Chris, more

I’m not on Twitter. But somebody who is read the article and asks: “How is it that land value return fees are not (i.e. prevented from being) passed on to tenants and consumers?” Great question! We take it for granted that most taxes and fees are “passed on” to the ultimate consumers of the thing or service that is taxed. It certainly seems true from our experience. But this is not automatic. It results from… —Rick Rybeck, more

Thanks Rick for the original article and for the reply. I’m an advocate for LVT because I think it’s sensible. Everything you explained here was sensible too. I do, however, want to say that I’m not a fan of ‘revenue neutral’ tax modification in-and-of-itself. It’s nice to have, but I’d also want to increase… —“WWSTR”, more

When I wrote this article, originally for our agency’s e-letter, I was hoping it would encourage people to re-think some of the self-defeating narrative we often engage in. I was also hoping it would spark some conversations, so I’ve really appreciated reading people’s responses here. Thanks for returning the favor and giving me some things to think about! —Michael Buonocore

Someone asked about the Portland McMansion legislation I mentioned in this post. The Portland City Council voted in Dec. 2016 to make the change and instructed staff to develop detailed rules but the final decision is still being debated. The City’s summary is here… —Rick Jacobus, more

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Senior Multifamily Housing Lender, City of Seattle ● Seattle's Office of Housing seeks an individual to help the City invest in the development and preservation of affordable multifamily rental housing. This person will participate in all aspects of project development proposal and financing, including feasibility assessment, underwriting, and… Read Full Listing
Senior Program Manager, Build Healthy Places Network ● This individual will help shape and deliver our projects and programs; provide leadership and technical assistance to community partners; shepherd research and analysis; and join leadership in planning for the future. Entrepreneurial spirit and background in community development strongly desired. Read Full Listing
Project Manager/Affordable Housing Development ● Telesis seeks an experienced project manager to join our D.C. office and to oversee projects in D.C and across the country, managing all aspects of the development cycle from acquisition through completion. Most of our projects are complex, large-scale redevelopments with multiple financing sources. Our portfolio includes... Read Full Listing
Senior Research Associate Local Initiatives Support Corporation seeks a Senior Research Associate to join a small, multidisciplinary team whose objectives are to rigorously assess our impact and those of our partners, support through research new innovative tools to advance LISC’s mission, and support the... Read Full Listing
Executive Director, Northcountry Cooperative Foundation This individual will manage all aspects of our operations and provide leadership toward our strategic goals: supporting the creation of more (and better) cooperatives, being a key source of information about cooperatives and a center for the practice of creative innovation in the cooperative sector... Read Full Listing
Director of Communications ● Grounded Solutions Network seeks a dynamic individual to join our senior leadership team. Your communication strategies will drive support for our financial sustainability strategy, deepen programmatic impact, and elevate our position as a national leader in long-term affordable housing… Read Full Listing
Chief Property Management Officer Community Development Partnership seeks a chief property management officer to lead the expansion of our affordable rental homes on the Lower Cape. The CDP nurtures a vibrant Lower Cape Cod region by promoting environmental and economic sustainability, expanding opportunities for… Read Full Listing
Senior Program Officer—Economic Development & Lending Rural LISC seeks an individual to lead our lending team and oversee the implementation of national and rural economic development strategies, with and through our network of rural CDCs and CDFIs, and key economic development focused team members. Rural LISC is in the top five in lending within... Read Full Listing
Program Officer—Lending Rural LISC seeks an individual to manage our rural lending opportunities via our network of rural CDCs and CDFIs, and Rural LISC’s Field Program team members. We maintain a diverse portfolio of loans in affordable housing, community facilities, and small business development... Read Full Listing
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