SAMHSA recently awarded up to $215.2 million over five years for justice-involved individuals who have mental and substance use disorders. These programs are intended to provide effective treatment services to reduce further criminal justice involvement and to promote recovery for justice-involved individuals who have substance use disorders or co-occurring mental and substance use disorders.

In September 2017, Hurricanes Irma and Maria created devastating effects for residents of the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, both physically and emotionally. SAMHSA offers two webinars that provide guidance on supporting older adults with complex medical and behavioral health needs before, during, and after a hurricane. The webinars specifically focus on persons living in and near Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands but can be generalized to any major coastal storm. In addition, SAMHSA offers a hurricane-focused resource list and other publications for survivors, including how to prepare for future storms.
In August, more than 90 people overdosed on synthetic marijuana laced with the powerful opioid fentanyl at a park in New Haven, CT. Although no one died, such stories remind us that people across the country are struggling with addiction to illicit substances and opioid-based pain medications. The good news is that people can and do recover with the right treatment. SAMHSA's guide to Finding Quality Treatment for Substance Use Disorders is a good resource for those seeking treatment. Call 1-800-662-HELP for a treatment referral or visit https://findtreatment.samhsa.gov to find a treatment provider near you.
September is National Recovery Month. We celebrate the millions of Americans who are living their lives in recovery from mental and substance use disorders and honor those who worked to make recovery possible. Get involved. Visit the Recovery Month website ( https://recoverymonth.gov/) for available material and products such as the Recovery Month Toolkit and find out what is happening in your state or community through the Recovery Month event listing ( https://recoverymonth.gov/events).
In the United States, overall suicide rates have increased significantly since 1999 in almost every state, but suicide affects some groups far more than others. American Indian and Alaska Native youth ages 15-24 die by suicide at a rate four times the overall rate for this age group. SAMHSA focuses its resources through a new American Indian and Alaska Native Addiction Technology Transfer Center and grant programs to help tribal communities prevent suicide. There are also many other resources available from SAMHSA to help prevent suicide and provide support to those whose lives have been affected by suicide or suicide attempts. If you are thinking about suicide, are worried about a friend or loved one, or would like emotional support, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).