Housing Not Handcuffs

Best Practices A practical newsletter for people ending homelessness.

Recent Court Ruling Against Sleeping Bans is an Opportunity for Cities

A new analysis from Eric Tars of the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty explains how a recent court ruling against outdoor sleeping bans can empower cities to invest in real solutions to homelessness. "Now, when a business or other constituent comes to a city councilor asking to 'do something' about the homeless person on their corner, the councilor has the freedom to say 'Well, the courts have said we can't simply arrest that person. We have to develop better alternatives that will get them off your corner and into the housing and services they need.'" Read More »

Resources on Youth Homelessness

Point Source Youth's new Host Homes Handbook is a valuable resource for those looking to start Host Homes programs in their own communities. Download Handbook»
Webinar: Thursday, September 27, 2018 • 2 p.m. ET • Register »

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