New Instruction: HMIS Project Setup for Joint-Component Projects

As discussed in SNAPS In Focus: The New Joint Transitional Housing and Rapid Re-housing Component, the Joint Transitional Housing (TH) and Rapid Re-Housing (RRH) Component Project was designed to help communities provide crisis housing with financial assistance and wrap around supportive services needed by program participants to quickly move into permanent housing.
HUD has issued clarified instruction for project setup: all joint-component projects should be set up as two separate projects in the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), one for the TH portion and one for the RRH portion, with each project using the Federal Funding Source data element to identify both the CoC Program TH and CoC Program RRH funding sources, and to record the common grant identifying number in each project.
HUD’s new detailed instructions have been posted to the HUD Exchange.


If you have any questions/comments about the HMIS project setup, please visit the HUD Exchange Ask A Question (AAQ) portal. Under “My question is related to,” select “HMIS.”
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