Building community support for effective shelter

Best Practices A practical newsletter for people ending homelessness.

Webinar: Getting Your Board on Board with Low-Barrier, Housing-Focused Shelter

Making the shift to low-barrier, housing-focused shelter can be both exciting and scary — especially for your Board of Directors. In an upcoming Alliance webinar, shelter operators will share how they educated and encouraged their Boards to adopt shelter best practices. Speakers will discuss strategies to improve outcomes while also building community and funder support for shifting shelter models.
Webinar: Thursday, Dec. 13, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. Eastern • Register»

Webinar: All the Latest on Rapid Re-Housing for Youth

The latest data from HUD show that funding for youth rapid re-housing (RRH) has increased by over 2000 percent since 2014! As more communities and providers across the country implement youth RRH, an upcoming Alliance webinar will highlight the latest research, assessment tools, and best practices for youth RRH. Hear from a youth RRH provider and national researchers what you need to know to ramp up the program in your community.

Webinar: Thursday, Dec. 13, 2018 at 1:00 p.m. Eastern • Register»

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