LSA Export Update

LSA Export Update
We are working to resolve issues with the Housing Move-In Date calculations used in the LSA export and updates to the error messages for provider/client issues that are reported before the export completes. We will send out another update once these changes are ready. As noted below by HUD, HUD has extended the submission deadline and is requiring re-submission of data for ALL CoCs. Please wait until the above fixes are in place before re-submitting data to HUD. If you are still correcting provider/client issues, please continue correcting them and performing test exports until you have a clean export.
System administrators received the following notification from HUD this morning:

Due to the complexities of the new Longitudinal Systems Analysis (LSA) process, the deadline for submitting official LSA data for use in the 2018 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR) to Congress via the new Homelessness Data Exchange, Version 2.0 (HDX 2.0) has been extended to 11:59 PM PST on Friday, December 14, 2018 and any Continuums of Care (CoCs) who have already uploaded their data will need to re-upload their Official data once HUD announces fixes to HDX 2.0, following the steps outlined below.
HUD wants to thank communities for all of their hard work so far and for working in partnership with the LSA and HDX 2.0 teams to identify and resolve issues as they arise this first year.
As of this morning, HDX 2.0 login issues reported by some users have been resolved. Additional updates to the HDX 2.0, including corrections to the Summary Data displays and Bed Inventory results, will be pushed through the system within the next 36 hours. Once these updates are complete, they will be announced via the HDX 2.0 messaging system to all users. The updates will not be able to be applied retroactively, so once the updates are announced, all CoCs will need to re-upload their Official HUD Submission LSA files before the Friday, December 14, 2018 deadline in order to review the properly calculated summary data.
After the HDX 2.0 fixes have been announced, use the instructions below to determine how to proceed with your re-upload:
Current Status of Your LSA Upload Next Steps Post-HDX 2.0 Fixes
Submitted for Review
  1. HDX 2.0 team resets your status to "In Progress"
  2. Once done, re-upload and re-submit your LSA
Uploaded as Official HUD Submission, but not yet submitted
  1. Locate current Official HUD Submission LSA file
  2. Select "replace" option; upload the same file again to see corrected calculations
No upload currently marked as Official HUD Submission
  1. Upload a new LSA file and corrected calculations will be visible in HDX 2.0

If you have further questions please submit a case through the Customer Community.