VAWA Housing Protections - Implementation within ESG and CoC Programs Webinar: Register Today

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VAWA Housing Protections - Implementation within ESG and CoC Programs Webinar: Register Today
Please join HUD and CSH to discuss the implementation of HUD’s Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Final Rule in Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) and Continuum of Care (CoC) Programs. The VAWA Final Rule expands housing protections for survivors of domestic abuse, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking in CoC and ESG projects. The rule was created to help ensure all individuals have access to a safe home without the fear of violence and to reduce the risk of homelessness among survivors. Learn more about:
  • The protections and rights outlined in the rule including the protection from refusal of assistance, termination of assistance, or eviction based on being a survivor
  • A survivor’s right to an emergency transfer when there is a safe and available unit
  • The option to bifurcate a lease to help keep a survivor safely housed
The webinar will provide a full overview of the rule, specifically targeted to recipients of ESG and CoC funds.

VAWA Housing Protections - Implementation within ESG and CoC Programs Webinar

Date: Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Time: 1:00 PM EST
Register for this webinar.
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