HUD Issues Notice CPD-19-01: Guidance on Submitting Consolidated Plans and Annual Action Plans for FY 2019

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HUD Issues Notice CPD-19-01: Guidance on Submitting Consolidated Plans and Annual Action Plans for FY 2019
HUD has released Notice CPD-19-01: Guidance on Submitting Consolidated Plans and Annual Action Plans for Fiscal Year (FY) 2019. As with past year's Notices, this CPD Notice advises grantees not to submit their FY 19 Action Plan or Consolidated Plan until grantees have been advised of their actual allocation amounts. The Notice also contains waivers for the CDBG and HOME program to allow grantees to incur pre-award costs in certain circumstances prior to submission of their plans. This year's Notice contains one new section, providing interim guidance to grantees wishing to incorporate assistance for designated Opportunity Zones into their Consolidated Plan process.
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