NHSDC Spring 2019: Preliminary Agenda is HERE!

NHSDC Spring 2019:
April 15-17 in Nashville, TN

Good News! Preliminary Agenda is Here!

We are thrilled about partnering with HUD-SNAPS on the upcoming NHSDC Spring 2019 Conference! And, we have a list of both NHSDC and SNAPS sessions ready to go! Check it out here. The conference will be co-sponsored by the HUD-SNAPS office, and will be a 3-day event featuring tracks of HUD content in the mornings and NHSDC sessions in the afternoons.

Important note: This conference is HUD-approved. Continuum of Care (CoC) and Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Programs may use their HMIS designated funds to attend this conference. If CoC and ESG Program recipients do not have HMIS designated funds, they can use project admin funds to attend this conference.

Registration and Hotel!
Although this conference is longer than NHSDC's usual events, we are keeping the registration cost the same at $425. Register here, and don't forget to book your hotel room at the Sheraton in Downtown Nashville. The conference rate is $219 per night and rooms are selling quickly. Please use this link to book your room. We usually sell out so advise reserving your room early!  Please reserve your rooms by March 24.

About the National Human Services Data Consortium

The NHSDC provides information, assistance, peer education, and lifelong learning to its membership and other interested parties in the articulation, planning, implementation, and continuous operation of technology initiatives to collect, aggregate, analyze, and present information regarding the provision of human services.

Our conferences highlight the good work that you and your community are doing to leverage data in the fight to end homelessness. All communities employ different strategies and creative means to tackle the social services issues.


We look forward to seeing you in April!