ART Gallery Update

The April 8th, 2019 ART Gallery Update includes the following update to the ART Gallery available as of 04/08/2019:
  • 0629 - Housing Inventory Count - v18 -  This report has been updated to resolve an issue on Tabs B/C/D/E/F causing it to only count "year-round" beds. This field only applies to Emergency Shelters (Tab A). We also removed the irrelevant columns from Tabs B/C/D/E/F that only apply to Emergency Shelters. We updated Tab G to show counts where no answer is recorded for "Bed Availability".

We currently expect to release the revised 0640 report in mid to late April. As we get closer to the exact release date we will send out another update announcement. We will also send out another announcement once it is available in the ART Gallery.

Please create a case in the Customer Community if you have further questions.