HUD’s New Coordinated Entry Data Elements for the CoC Program

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HUD’s New Coordinated Entry Data Elements for the CoC Program
HUD recently finalized a set of Coordinated Entry (CE) data elements to standardize data collection on core components of CE – access, assessment, referral, and prioritization. These elements are the result of several months of collaboration with key stakeholders to learn from communities’ experiences implementing and refining CE data collection and determining precisely what data is needed to effectively manage and evaluate effectiveness of CE.
Most communities are already collecting similar types of data, although the elements might be labeled differently or tailored to communities’ unique data collection workflows. HUD wants the transition to these new CE elements to be as seamless as possible. Communities should map the new data elements into existing (or modified) workflows wherever possible and use this opportunity to identify ways to improve data collection based on our collective practice knowledge.

What CoCs Need to Know

  • CE data elements are part of the 2020 Data Standards and should be available on October 1, 2019, however, HUD understands that some CoCs and vendors may need a little more time to transition from their existing coordinated entry process to a new one. To allow for this, HUD is making April 1, 2020 the CE data elements “go live” date.
  • CoCs with HUD-funded Supportive Services Only (SSO)-CE projects are required to collect CE data elements beginning April 1, 2020.
  • Regardless of whether your CoC has a HUD-funded SSO-CE project, all CoCs are strongly encouraged to collect CE data using these standardized elements. CE data provides critical information about how quickly systems are stably housing people and where there are system bottlenecks and gaps in system resources, which informs strategies to improve responses to homelessness.
  • CoCs should collaborate with Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Leads and vendors to map the new CE data elements to existing data collection processes whenever possible.
  • CoCs who do not currently use HMIS who either 1) need to start using HMIS to meet the SSO-CE Annual Performance Report (APR) data collection requirements starting on April 1, 2020 or 2) want to start using HMIS for other reasons, should work with vendors to begin merging outside data into HMIS to ensure timely and accurate implementations.

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