LSA Export Update Completed
The changes to the LSA export are now available in Community Services (ServicePoint). This change occurred at approximately 5:10 PM (CDT) on Thursday, June 20
th, 2019.
We have adjusted the LSA export code for the following sections:
- Updated code provided by Abt which resolves issues in:
- 4.44
- 4.65 - 4.68
- 4.69
- 4.70
- 4.71
- Issue related to format of date/time information
- Issues related to having zero people in a household
- Issues related to chronically homeless counts for PH
- Issues related to Flag Ids 123, 131, 333 and 1091
Please note that the previously provided list of Flag Ids related to overlapping transactions was a condensed list based upon developments review of some Flag Files provided by a few customers. We are providing a document in the Customer Community Library that shows the full list of over 2,000 Flag Ids affected by overlapping transactions. IF you have these Flag Ids in your most recent Flag File we recommend noting in the comment that it is caused by overlapping transactions. Abt will then work with you in the future to review the transactions to determine if they are valid overlaps before next year's submission.
The document with the information about overlapping transactions is named "LSA Overlapping Transactions Flag Ids".
Please go ahead and resume LSA exports and uploads to HDX. Please only start one export for each CoC to ensure all CoCs have the opportunity to run/finish the export before the submission deadline. Please note that due to the upcoming load on the servers your export request will be placed in a queue so it could take time for the status to update. We will monitor the exports over the next few days to ensure there no issues with the exports.
Please create a case in the Customer Community if you have further questions.