VA recently implemented changes to community care under the VA MISSION Act. The changes included expanded eligibility for community care and a new urgent care benefit. As part of our outreach and engagement efforts, we collected the top questions received from Veterans and provided answers to each one here. Our goal is to make it easier to access the care you have earned.
The camaraderie developed between service members at VA builds bonds that stand the test of time.
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Are you a fan of podcasts? Borne the Battle is our weekly podcast where we interview Veterans and share their stories with you.
On June 22, VA will celebrate the 75th anniversary of the G.I. Bill. In honor of this historic event, Army Veteran Maxine Henry and Air Force Veteran Mark Connors of the VA's Loan Guaranty Service team sat down with Borne the Battle to discuss one of the best and most popular Veteran benefits–the VA home loan entitlement.
