Free Training Opportunities for Maryland CoCs

Hello, Maryland CoC Leads,

Just sharing a FREE training opportunity offered by MDH. The timing on this particular opportunity is very short (applications due fri. 7/12), but the training is free with lodging provided on Tuesday evening and meals provided both days. For the additional training opportunities listed below, MDH hopes to release the application a month in advance.  

Here is an overview of the training event:
The Maryland Department of Health (MDH) Center for Harm Reduction Services (CHRS), in partnership with University of Maryland Baltimore County's (UMBC) Center for Community Collaboration, is now accepting applications for the Regrounding Our Response - Stages of Change Master Presenter training cohort.
The application deadline is Friday July 12th and all accepted applicants will be contacted via email by Tuesday July 16th. See the complete application to review applicant criteria, and other details.
This two-day training will take place on Tuesday July 23rd and Wednesday July 24th in Cumberland, Maryland. It will be taught by experienced trainers from the UMBC Center for Community Collaboration, including Dr. Carlo DiClemente, the co-developer of the Transtheoretical Model of Intentional Behavior Change and author of numerous scientific publications on motivation and behavior change for a variety of health and addictive behaviors. Upon completion of the training, Master Presenters will receive certification of their knowledge in the Stages of Change and how it applies to the opioid crisis, skills in presenting this material, and a deeper understanding of how to reduce stigma in their community.
There will also be 4 additional training events this summer + fall (listed below). I will send a follow-up email as soon as those applications are posted as well.
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences, trauma and substance use - Tues August 20th and Wed August 21st in Solomon's Island
  • Social Determinants of Health and connections to drugs, individual and community wellness - Tues October 22nd and Wednesday October 23rd (Capital Region)
  • Medication Assisted Treatment as Overdose Prevention - Tuesday November 12th and Wednesday November 13th (Upper Shore region)
  • Drug User Health - Date and location TBD

Point of Contact:  

Marie Stratton
Regrounding Our Response Coordinator
Center for Harm Reduction Services
Infectious Disease Prevention and Health Services Bureau
Prevention and Health Promotion Administration
Maryland Department of Health
(410) 767-5686



Heather Sheridan
Associate Director of 
Homelessness Initiatives 

Office of Community Services Programs
Division of Neighborhood Revitalization
Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD)
7800 Harkins Road 
Lanham, MD 20706
(301) 429-7497 (office)
(410) 333-6287 (fax)