What Did We Learn at This Year's Conference?

Best Practices A practical newsletter for people ending homelessness.

Top Takeaways from the 2019 National Conference on Ending Homelessness

Each year, the Alliance's staff – like so many of you – leaves the National Conference on Ending Homelessness and Capitol Hill Day ready to renew our commitment to our mission. In a new blog post, the Alliance's VP of Programs and Policy, Steve Berg, reflects on everything we heard, and shares the top take-aways from this year's conference.

Want to see conference content online?
Visit the Alliance's Facebook page to watch plenaries from each day of the conference, and browse the #NAEH2019 hashtag to view content from staff and attendees. Follow Alliance staff members to view conference insights, and stay updated on new practices and data from the Alliance:

Steve Berg, @sberg0
Jackie Janosko, @Alliance_Jackie
Kay Moshier McDivitt, @Alliance_Kay
Joy Moses, @Alliance_Joy

Alliance Resources

Take advantage of recent Alliance resources to help you maintain more efficient housing and homelessness response systems:

State of Homelessness Report
Rapid Re-Housing Toolkit
Emergency Shelter Learning Series 
Racial Equity Network Toolkit
Demographic Data Project
SYSTEM Series 

From the Alliance Blog

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