Momentum on Capitol Hill

Best Practices A practical newsletter for people ending homelessness.

Policy Progress

Despite the negative tone of much of the news on homelessness this past month, there have actually been some very encouraging developments on Capitol Hill. Check out the latest on critical pieces of legislation:

From the Senate:
  • The Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (T-HUD) Senate Appropriations Committee passed its version of a HUD funding bill. This bill includes $2.761 billion for Homeless Assistance Grants, and $45.1 billion for Housing Choice Vouchers, both of which would represent increases. The final decision will be in a House-Senate agreement, tentatively scheduled for late fall/early winter; aggressive advocacy will be essential to securing the appropriate federal investments.
From the House: 
  • The Fostering Stable Housing Opportunities Act of 2019 (H.R. 4300) is poised for passage in committee. This very important bill would increase funding and make available housing vouchers for youth aging out of the foster care system. It enjoys strong support and no opposition.
  • The Tribal Eligibility for Homeless Assistance Grants Act of 2019 (H.R. 4029) passed in committee. This bill would finally make Native American tribes eligible to receive HUD Continuum of Care/McKinney-Vento funding.
Learn more about current legislation relevant to homelessness >>>

ICYMI: Webinar on Leveraging New Employment Opportunities in the CoC NOFA 

In conjunction with the Heartland Alliance, Allegheny County DHS, and Partner4Work Pittsburgh, the Alliance held a recent webinar for CoCs to learn more about the emphasis on employment opportunities in this year's CoC Program NOFA competition.

Watch the webinar here >>>

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