2020 PIT Count Announcement and Additional PIT Count Resources

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2020 PIT Count Announcement and Additional PIT Count Resources
HUD is happy to announce that there will be no changes to Housing Inventory Count (HIC) and Point-in-Time (PIT) count requirements for the 2020 HIC and PIT count. Continuums of Care (CoCs) must refer to the notice published last year – Notice CPD-18-08: 2019 HIC and PIT Data Collection for CoC and ESG Programs – to understand the counting requirements for 2020. The updates to the 2020 HMIS Data Standards better align HMIS data collection to support the HIC and sheltered PIT count, including reporting on Joint Transitional Housing – Rapid Re-Housing (TH/RRH) grants and Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program (YHDP) grants.

October PIT Count Office Hours

HUD will host a PIT Count Office Hours session on October 29, 2019 from 2:00 to 3:30 PM EDT in preparation for the upcoming count. The PIT Count Office Hours will focus on the following topics:
  • Joint TH/RRH Recipients: CoCs funded by HUD with these projects should report these grants on the HIC by entering two separate projects—one for TH and one for RRH. Inventory reported under each project should reflect the inventory available for use if TH and in use if RRH on the night of the count. This year, to indicate that these are joint TH/RRH grants, CoCs must select the new funding source option HUD: CoC – Joint Component TH/RRH in response to the HUD McKinney-Vento Funded question for each project. The new, single funding source option in the 2020 HMIS Data Standards replaces the instruction to select two separate funding sources for each component.
  • YHDP Recipients: CoCs with HUD-funded YHDP grants should report them based on the project type identified for each project in e-snaps. For example, if a YHDP recipient was funded for a host home program identified with a TH project type then it will be included in the HIC as a TH project and the youth in that project will be included in the sheltered PIT count. CoCs must select the HUD: CoC – YHDP funding source options in response to the HUD McKinney-Vento Funded question for each YHDP project. As with other grants, CoCs only report residential projects in the HIC and exclude service only projects like HUD-funded Supportive Services Only (SSO) projects.
  • Counting Survivors of Domestic Violence: HUD will present on best practices for counting survivors of domestic violence in the PIT count. This presentation will rely on the Guidance for Domestic Violence Partners and CoCs on Participating in the PIT Count resource published last year.
  • Questions and Answers: After the discussion of the items above, the call will be open for discussion on anything related to the HIC and PIT count. HUD encourages participants to bring any questions, issues, or best practices they have encountered to this forum.

New PIT Count Volunteer Resources

Many CoCs rely on volunteers to support their annual PIT count efforts. Based on conversations with and feedback from CoCs nationwide, HUD has developed the PIT Count Volunteer Training Toolkit to support CoCs in training and providing supplemental resources to PIT count volunteers. These resources are intended to assist CoCs with their engagement with volunteers but are not required by HUD.
The PIT Count Volunteer Training Toolkit includes a number of customizable files intended to provide CoCs different resource options for starting or updating their own PIT count volunteer training efforts.
The toolkit currently includes the following resources:

Additional Resources

To view all of HUD’s PIT count and HIC resources visit the PIT and HIC Guides, Tools, and Webinars Page. This is a one-stop site where communities can access all of HUD’s guidance on how to plan and implement their PIT counts. The resources include the PIT Count Methodology Guide, survey tool resources, implementation resources, etc.
If you have any questions about planning, implementing, or reporting your HIC or PIT count data that are not covered in the resources listed above, please submit your questions to the Ask A Question (AAQ) portal. In Step 2 of the question submission process, select “HDX Homelessness Data Exchange (including PIT, HIC, AHAR, Sys PM, LSA, and PDX)” from the “My question is related to” drop down list.
Visit the HUD Exchange at https://www.hudexchange.info