Attention ESG Recipients: Subrecipient Setup Requirements in IDIS for FY 2019 ESG Grants

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Attention ESG Recipients: Subrecipient Setup Requirements in IDIS for FY 2019 ESG Grants
Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) Program recipients are required to identify their subrecipient organizations and corresponding funding amounts in the Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS) for each activity, including the administration activity (if applicable). Recipients that are in the process of setting up FY 2019 activities in IDIS should confirm that IDIS setup is accurate before drawing any FY19 ESG funds.
Correct subrecipient setup in IDIS has several benefits:
  • Assists in subrecipient oversight. Setting up subrecipients in IDIS enables recipients to identify subrecipient spending patterns, which can help forecast potential difficulties in meeting expenditure deadlines.
  • Promotes efficient and accurate financial management. Itemized funding by subrecipient organization allows IDIS to track commitments and draws at the subrecipient level, which assists recipients in accurately and efficiently reconciling financial information, both within IDIS and with a recipient’s internal financial records.
  • Enables accurate Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) reporting on screen CR-60. IDIS automatically generates a list of subrecipient organizations for CAPER screen CR-60 subrecipient information, including only those subrecipients identified on the activity funding screens in IDIS. Recipients cannot manually add subrecipients to the CR-60 screen. Therefore, to have accurate CAPER level reporting, recipients must identify and fund subrecipients at the activity funding level in IDIS.
  • Provides valuable information for HUD. Having an accurate list of ESG subrecipients enables HUD to more efficiently assess and respond to the impacts of disasters and emergencies as well as time sensitive data requests.
To review your organization’s existing subrecipient setup, run the PR91 – ESG Financial Summary report, paying particular attention to the following sections to see which, if any, subrecipients have been set up in IDIS:
  • “ESG Subrecipient Commitments and Draws by Activity Category”
  • “ESG Subrecipients by Activity Category”
For step-by-step instructions on how to add/edit subrecipients at the IDIS Activity funding level, please review section 6.2 of the guidance, Using IDIS Online for the ESG Program.
If a recipient has already drawn FY 2019 funds without setting up subrecipients, then the recipient should revise activity funding and draws to accurately reflect subrecipient information. Read the HUD Exchange FAQ that provides step-by-step instructions on how to revise a voucher from one subrecipient to another. Other FAQs on using IDIS for the ESG Program are available on the IDIS FAQ Page.


If you have questions about the ESG Program or IDIS, please submit them through the HUD Exchange Ask A Question (AAQ) portal. On Step 2 of the question submission process, select “ESG” or “IDIS” in the “My question is related to” dropdown menu.
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