Materials Posted: Lead Safe Housing Rule Amendment Webinars

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Materials Posted: Lead Safe Housing Rule Amendment Webinars 
Update: Materials are now posted on the following training pages:

HUD’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes (OLHCHH) hosted a 90-minute webinar that helped participants review federal lead regulations and discuss the Lead Safe Housing Rule (LSHR) Amendment for pre-1978 housing. Presenters will provide a step-by-step explanation of how Public Housing Agencies (PHAs), grantees, and owners respond to cases of elevated blood lead levels in children less than 6 years old living in a federally assisted housing unit.
Note: This webinar covers the same training material as the in-person 2019 Lead Safe Housing Rule Amendment Trainings.

Training Objectives

This webinar provided:
  • A review on rules and requirements concerning lead safe work practices
  • A description and discussion on the scope, requirements, and key definitions of the LSHR amendment
  • An overview of available resources

Who Should Attend?

There were two webinar sessions, each geared towards a distinct audience.
  • LSHR Amendment Training for HUD Funded Recipients Who Administer Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Webinar was intended for PHAs, grantees, and owners involved with Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) programs.
  • LSHR Amendment Training for Conventional Public Housing and Project-Based Assistance Programs Webinar was intended for PHAs, grantees, and owners involved with administering conventional public housing and Project-Based Assistance (PBA) rental programs.

Additional in-person trainings have been announced for Fall and Winter 2019. Learn more about upcoming locations and dates on the HUD Exchange LSHR Amendment Training news page.

Training Point of Contact

LSHR Amendment Training Registrar |
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