Reminder: HOPWA Modernization: Embracing Changes and Facing Challenges Webinar - November 7, 2019

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Reminder: HOPWA Modernization: Embracing Changes and Facing Challenges Webinar - November 7, 2019
Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS (HOPWA) grantees, project sponsors, and stakeholders are invited to participate in a webinar to hear updates on the impact and status of HOPWA formula modernization, including technical assistance activities, community outcomes and best practices, barriers encountered, and future funding projections.
Key staff from HUD’s Office of HIV/AIDS Housing will discuss efforts thus far to assist communities projected to lose or gain funding to effectively plan for these changes to ensure the continued availability of housing assistance and supportive services for HOPWA-eligible households. Participants will learn more about HOPWA formula modernization planning efforts and what communities are doing to actively prepare for projected changes to HOPWA allocations.
Date: Thursday, November 7, 2019
Time: 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST
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