The following HOME Program Reports have been posted on the HUD Exchange. Additional HOME Program reports are available on the HOME Program Page under "HOME Reports."
HOME Monthly Reports as of 12/31/2019 and 1/1/2020 Now Posted:
- HOME PJs Open Activities Reports: These reports help participating jurisdictions (PJs) view open activities in Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS), including activities with 100 percent of the funds drawn and with a status code of final draw as well as activities with little or no HOME funds drawn during the past several years.
- HOME PJs Vacant Units Reports: These reports help PJs identify units in HOME projects that are marked as "vacant" in IDIS.
- HOME National Production Report: This report is a monthly cumulative summary report of HOME data by Federal Fiscal Year that includes allocations, commitments, disbursements, leveraging ratios, low-income benefit, committed funds by activity type, and HOME cost per unit by tenure and activity type.
- HOME Expiring Funds Report: This report identifies each PJ that has a grant balance for Fiscal Year 2013 and earlier. All drawdown requests through IDIS are required to be submitted and approved by close of business September 18, 2020.