HUD: New CDBG Instructions for IDIS Cash on Hand Quarterly Report Now Available

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New CDBG Instructions for IDIS Cash on Hand Quarterly Report Now Available
With Integrated Disbursement and Information System (IDIS) release 11.18, a new screen has been developed to require Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program grantees to enter cash on hand items.

Previously, this information was collected through Federal Financial Report (FFR)/Standard Form 425 (SF-425). The Entitlement Communities, Insular Areas, and non-Entitlement Counties in Hawaii under the CDBG Program were required to submit an SF-425 report to HUD each quarter.

Starting in Federal fiscal year 2020 (FY 2020), the Entitlement Communities, Insular Areas, and non-Entitlement Counties in Hawaii are required to complete the Cash on Hand Quarterly Report and submit it to the grantee’s HUD local field office through IDIS.

The new IDIS Cash on Hand Quarterly Report will replace the SF-425 report, and the submission of the SF-425 report will be eliminated. This document provides guidance to CDBG grantees on reporting requirements for the Cash on Hand Quarterly Report.

View the Instructions for IDIS Cash on Hand Quarterly Report

View IDIS Resources for the CDBG Program for additional resources.
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