Visit us at NAEH to discuss the latest solutions to help end homelessness
NAEH Conference | Feb 19-21 | Oakland, CA | Table #2If you are attending this week's National Alliance to End Homelessness (NAEH) conference in Oakland, stop by WellSky's table (#2) to say hello and learn about the latest advances coming to our HMIS software, including Unit Manager. This powerful module lets you manage all your shelter and housing resources with user-guided forms and a cleaner look that speeds check-ins, check-outs, and updates of available resources.
WellSky Community Services software is the HMIS used by 60% of HUD's Continuums of Care. Our clients benefit from our extensive experience in HUD reporting, workflows, data collection, and provider management.
Enter to win a $100 gift card at the booth! Because our space is often crowded, we recommend you
schedule a meeting before you come to the conference.