Preparing Your System for COVID-19

Best Practices A practical newsletter for people ending homelessness.

Preparing Your System for COVID-19

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has just released interim guidance on how homeless shelters and service providers can prepare for COVID-19. 

HUDExchange has also published extensive guidance in a new Infectious Diseases Toolkit that can help homelessness service providers prepare their systems to respond to the novel coronavirus COVID-19.

The resources include:
Preventing & Managing the Spread of Infectious Disease for People Experiencing Homelessness

Preventing & Managing the Spread of Infectious Disease Within Shelters

Preventing & Managing the Spread of Infectious Disease within Encampments

Comment to Keep Fair Housing Protections

The Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) protection requires jurisdictions and public housing authorities to analyze patterns of segregation and discriminatory housing practices.

A new rule proposal from HUD would eliminate these protections entirely, and put vulnerable populations at risk of housing discrimination -- especially people of color and people with disabilities. Public comments are being accepted until March 16.

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HUD Coordinated Entry Dialogues

HUD is launching a new series of web-based Coordinated Entry Dialogues to promote conversations between communities and HUD and exchange feedback and best practices on both ends.

The first dialogue will take place on March 16 or 17; both will cover the same information. Click here for more information on the Coordinated Entry Dialogues, and to register your Continuum of Care. 

From the Alliance Blog

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