COVID-19 Resources and Updates
DHCD will continue to update its COVID-19 resource page that can be found here.
Financial Regulation Guidance from the Office of the Commissioner of Financial RegulationThe Office of the Commissioner of Financial Regulation recognizes the impact of the new coronavirus/COVID-19 public health emergency on the customers and operations of financial institutions and financial services businesses in Maryland. The Office has compiled regulatory guidance and assistance including a foreclosure data tracker on this page. Additionally, consumers can find information regarding student loan relief, mortgage relief, and scams and fraud.
MEMA Rumor Control Page
The Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MEMA), in partnership with the Maryland Department of Health (MDH), and the Maryland Department of Information Technology (DoIT), launched the Maryland Coronavirus (COVID-19) Rumor Control Page to empower Marylanders to call out false information and promote facts. |
National and Federal Resources
Information on Scams from NCAF and FCC
Earlier this week, the National Community Action Foundation and the Federal Communications Commission hosted a webinar to discuss COVID-19 scams. The webinar provided important information on how consumers can avoid potential scams and report scams to FCC. The commission is also working with the telecommunication industry to ensure better caller ID authentication. More information on ID authentication can be found here.
Latest HUD Recommended Resources
The National Health Care for the Homeless Council is hosting a Town Hall on April 24, 2020 to discuss civil detention. A full list of resources from the HCH Town Hall series can be found here.
Community Partner Spotlight |
Howard County Community Action Agency
The Howard County CAC has provided food to more than 6,000 people over the last two months, both at the Food Bank and at pop-up pantries across Howard County. They typically serve around 2,000 people during the same time frame. They are also working with COAD and Neighbor Ride to deliver groceries to people who cannot access the Food Bank or pop-up pantries.
Howard County CAC has also launched e-learning for students in their Head Start Program. They've delivered 50 tablets to families who did not have a computer in their home, so their child can participate in the online lessons. At the same time, they are delivering behavioral health, speech, language
e and occupational therapy through tele-health visits and their Family Service Team is conducting virtual home visits.
Montgomery County Outreach Services
On April 16, Montgomery County's Services to End and Prevent Homelessness set up an outdoor food distribution site. In partnership with  the City of Gaithersburg, this distribution site is ensuring individuals experiencing homelessness in Montgomery County have a nearby place 7 days a week to pick up a meal. With access to food and transportation limited due to the Stay at Home order and reduced bus routes, this site is a lifeline for many.
Outreach teams have and will continue to work hard to engage clients and offer unsheltered persons hotels to get them off the street and into safe locations. As some remain fearful or concerned about hotel placements, this outdoor distribution site provides them an opportunity to receive free food and information about services. Currently, 25 meals are prepared each day. Each bag includes a breakfast sandwich procured from local restaurants with donated funds, a bottle of water, and one breakfast bar. For those that aren't able to make it to the distribution site our outreach providers are taking meal bags, information on how to access shelters and other soup kitchens, and safety supplies to distribute to those in the community.