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Community Action Critical To COVID-19 Relief Efforts
Community Action Agencies are on the front lines providing critical services to those in need amid COVID-19. Essential to communities across America, Community Action Agencies continue to stand strong during this Pandemic. We're providing an increased amount of meals to needy families, assisting homeless populations challenged with quarantine orders and state restrictions, helping families navigate technological demands needed for virtual learning and child educational success, providing COVID relief efforts, and other services to help those impacted by the crisis. This pandemic is a new challenge for all of us but providing services to vulnerable populations is one in which Community Action Agencies face every day. The MCAP Network serves communities in Maryland, DC and Delaware, some of the hardest hit areas. Community Action has provided services for over 50 years, and continue to serve as a beacon of hope for communities across our region. We're in this together!
United Communities Against Poverty, serving residents of Prince George's County
USDA Unveils Tool to Help Rural Communities
Address the COVID-19 Pandemic
U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue unveiled a one-stop-shop of federal programs that can be used by rural communities, organizations and individuals impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Are you curious about how many people in your community are responding to the 2020 Census?
Click here to view your state's response rate! You can even view the response rates of your county, town, and congressional district. Compare your community's rate to the national average and help get out the count.
Now is the time to help shape the future!
Share the Invitation To Respond Online or By Phone
April 16 - June 19: Census takers will work with administrators at colleges, senior centers, prisons, and other facilities that house large groups of people to make sure everyone is counted.
NASCSP is aware of the unique challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic and is here to support the network. NASCSP continues to work with OCS and the National Partners to develop tools, resources, guidance, and support.
NASCSP has developed fifteen infographics for use of CSBG Data to tell the story of CSBG. There is one created specifically related to COVID-19 and there will be continued development of additional infographics on this topic.
What Nonprofit Board Members Should Be Doing Right Now to Address the COVID-19 Situation
As the world responds to the threats of COVID-19, many nonprofits and their boards are wrestling with difficult questions and decisions. In these uncertain times, as the situation rapidly changes, the board needs to provide steady and adaptive leadership in partnership with and in support of the CEO.
The board should be working closely with the chief executive to govern and manage the situation, as well as address external threats. While the CEO is responsible for operational planning and executing these plans, the board should be reviewing and responding to the organization's strategy, and providing feedback. Both the board and CEO should be flexible in their planning, and consider all the possible ways the COVID-19 crisis can evolve.
Alternative Tax Prep Options Page Live!
In light of the many VITA/TCE site closures, the Taxpayer Opportunity Network created the Alternative Tax Prep Options page to help create a single hub of tools and resources to help expand your program service beyond face-to-face interaction.
This living resource page includes topics such as drop-off, facilitated self-assistance, and virtual options including virtual intake and presentations from our field experts. These resources also include implementation guides for your programs and a FSA portal for your clients to file directly.
With the formalization of the stimulus package and the taxpayers at its center, the community tax preparation field will be vital to ensure the financial stability for low- and moderate-income taxpayers. Please check out the page and subscribe for updates!
Roles for CAAs in Community Collaborative Efforts Webinar
April 28, 2020
Facilitated by Sheri Brady, Associate Director at Aspen Institute and Junious Williams, Jr., Senior Advisor at Collective Impact Forum, this webinar will explore strategies and plans for the best use of agencies talent, time and resource in building collaborative policy solutions.
Issues explored will include considerations in selecting a backbone organization, best deployment of staff and resources, changing roles over time, effective community engagement and avoiding conflicts of interest.
Nat'l Community Action Partnership Webinars
Start With Yourself: Tools and Strategies for Coping With Stress and Trauma During the Pandemic : April 22 @ 2:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Thursday, May 14, at 1 PM ET
An effective conflict of interest policy helps CAA board members and staff navigate conflicts that could result in ethically questionable and potentially prohibited transactions, or lead to transactions that are reasonable but still lack sufficient documentation to withstand external scrutiny.
There will be a discussion on CAPLAW's Sample Conflict of Interest Policy for Boards and Senior Staff of both CAAs with Head Start and CAAs without Head Start, including managing potential gray areas.
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