Week of May 18: Edition 2
In this Issue: Strengthening Community by Hiring Artists in Little Tokyo ● We Need Emergency Rental Assistance ● Banks Can Earn CRA Credit for COVID Response—But Who’s Benefiting? ● Also: Jobs ● Events ● You Said It ● In Case You Missed It +
Josh Silver, National Community Reinvestment Coalition
Banks could get community reinvestment credit for activities that primarily benefit middle and upper income people in the next round of CRA exams. That’s not supposed to be the point. Read Full Article
Priscilla Almodovar, Enterprise Community Partners, and James Whelan, Real Estate Board of New York
Many of the solutions to the emerging housing crises, both proposed and enacted, don’t go far enough to serve those in need. Read Full Article
Tamara Holmes, Shelterforce
How does Little Tokyo Service Center use art to inspire activism and increase awareness of the community’s cultural assets? Read Full Article
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The Connecticut Health Foundation has named Tiffany Donelson to be its next president and CEO, effective Sept. 1. Donelson will succeed Patricia Baker, who plans to retire after more than 20 years as the foundation’s founding leader.
ProPublica has published a user-friendly, interactive database that lets users search by address to find out whether they may be protected by the federal ban on evictions. It also provides information on what state policies are in place to protect renters from losing their homes.
Thursday, May 21, 2:30 p.m. ET | Racial Equity During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic | Join Dr. Ibram X. Kendi, one of America’s foremost historians and leading antiracist voices, and Diane Yentel, president and CEO of the NLIHC, for a conversation on how our housing and homelessness response to COVID-19 must center racial equity and address systemic inequities and discrimination. Register here.
Corrected Date: June 4, 2020, at 1:30 p.m. ET | Reimagined in America: Taking a Well-Being Approach | Join the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for a discussion about what U.S. communities can learn from cities and countries around the world, like Scotland and Bhutan, that are reorienting policies, programs and budgets to put the well-being of people and the planet at the center of all decisions. Register here.
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You Said It
Bob Zdenek: Amanda Abrams’ article does a good job of underscoring the important role that community development plays in disaster planning, preparedness and recovery. The location of an affordable housing development, the materials, and the ability to evacuate people and have emergency vehicles access . . . Read More
Address Yourself: Through our past experiences we can learn to grow forward as a sustainable society, and Shelterforce depicts how Post-COVID preparation is necessary for that purpose. Via Facebook
Mike McGee: And even before COVID, Chicago was infamous for not having a trauma center in its most vulnerable region. We need more hospitals; not a letting go of what we already have. Via Twitter
A Blade of Grass: Really interested to follow this Shelterforce 3-part series looking at artists working in housing organizations in Anchorage, Slayton, MN, and Los Angeles, following up on major ArtPlaceAmerica grants to incorporate arts and culture in housing and social services. Some . . . Via Facebook