COVID-19 Resources and Updates
DHCD will continue to update its COVID-19 resource page that can be found here.
State and Regional Updates
New Registration Requirement for Shelter Providers Serving Unaccompanied Minors
Effective July 1, 2020, any public or private nonprofit organization that provides shelter or supportive services to minors in need of shelter must register with the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development. There is no cost associated with registering with the state; however, there are several assurances that must be met in order to meet statutory requirements. The text of the statute can be located here. Use this link to access the registration form.
Extension of Emergency Order Prohibiting Utility Shut Offs
Governor Hogan has extended the emergency order prohibiting utility providers from shutting off or charging late fees for residential services, including electricity, water, phone, and internet, through August 1, 2020. Read the Emergency Order here.
Baltimore City Temporary Rent Support
Baltimore City is offering temporary rent support to help people who have lost their income due to COVID-19. The program supports eligible renters by making rent payments to landlords. Applications should be submitted by Monday, July 13. Learn more here.
Training on Housing Rights During COVID-19
Disability Rights Maryland is hosting a training on Housing Rights During COVID-19 for case manager and clients on July 10, 2020 at 3:00 PM. Register here.
National and Federal Updates
FHA's COVID-19 Loss Mitigation Options
On Wednesday, July 8 the Federal Housing Administration (FHA) published Mortgagee Letter (ML) 2020-22, FHA's COVID-19 Loss Mitigation Options. This ML announces an expansion of loss mitigation options that are available to assist single family borrowers with FHA-insured forward mortgages impacted by the COVID-19 National Emergency.
Servicers must begin offering these loss mitigation options to eligible borrowers immediately, but no later than 90 days from the date in ML 2020-22. Additionally, any COVID-19-related delinquencies in the Single Family Default Monitoring System must be reported by the July 2020 reporting cycle. Refer to the Single Family Default Monitoring System Codes Guide for more information.
FHA will conduct a webinar that focuses on the COVID-19-related loss mitigation options available to assist borrowers on July 29 and August 5 at 4:00 PM. Register here.
Solicitation for Members for the HUD Housing Counseling Federal Advisory Committee
On June 29, 2020 HUD published a Federal Register Notice announcing the nominations for appointment to the Housing Counseling Federal Advisory Committee (HCFAC). HUD is seeking nominations to fill six vacancies on the eight member HCFAC. New members will represent the mortgage industry, real estate industry, consumers, and HUD-approved housing counseling agencies.
Responding to COVID-19: A Webinar Series for Local Governments Serving Small Communities
HUD's Responding to COVID-19 webinar series is providing resources for small units of general local government (UGLGs) related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The webinars provide information on how small UGLGs can access public funding, data, and other resources made available due to the pandemic. This series is intended for small UGLGs that are looking to access resources and connect with organizations providing support for how to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Follow this link for registration information.
Upcoming Virtual Event With the Urban Institute
The Urban Institute is hosting a virtual event taking place on July 15, 2020 at 4:00 PM on Caring for Borrowers Outside the CARES Act: A Closer Look at Privately Held Loans. Register here.
Community Partner Spotlight
Strategies for Propelling Women of Color in Tech
NPower is dedicated to improving economic mobility through the launching of careers in tech for 18-24 year olds and military veterans from underserved communities. The pandemic's impact will create higher income inequity and significant hardships-especially for women of color. NPower's new research report outlines actionable strategies to advance women of color in tech. Now, more than ever, we need to continue advocating for equity and take intentional action for women of color in tech. Read more about powerful strategies to make it happen at npower.org/research.
Please email CSConnection.dhcd@maryland.gov if you would like us to include news, events or job openings related to your organization in our upcoming newsletter.