(NAEH) Prioritizing ESG Funding

Best Practices A practical newsletter for people ending homelessness.

Prioritizing ESG Resources During COVID-19

Marc Dones (National Innovation Service) and Nan Roman discuss how best to prioritize ESG funds during the pandemic.


With the $4 billion in new Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG)-CV resources, states and localities have an unprecedented opportunity to help people experiencing homelessness stay safe from acquiring or transmitting COVID-19.

Where there are still people experiencing homelessness, ESG-CV funding should be used to ensure their safety and end their homelessness, rather than for broader prevention initiatives, including eviction prevention.

Read more on prioritizing ESG funds >>>

7 Things the Alliance's Community Survey Revealed About Homeless Funding and COVID-19

The Alliance's Homelessness Research Institute conducted a survey among Continuums of Care in May 2020 to assess their most pressing needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

From the Alliance Blog

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