(HUD) Reminder: HOPWA COVID-19 Planning & Operating STRMU Programs with HOPWA and CARES Act Funding – August 19, 2020 – 1:30 PM EDT

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Reminder: HOPWA COVID-19 Planning & Operating STRMU Programs with HOPWA and CARES Act Funding – August 19, 2020 – 1:30 PM EDT

Collaborative Solutions is hosting a webinar on August 19, 2020 from 1:30 - 3:00 PM EDT on HOPWA Short-Term Rent, Mortgage, and Utility (STRMU) assistance operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. The webinar will:

  • Review the funding streams that can be utilized to deliver STRMU, including regular HOPWA allocations (and waiver use), CARES Act funds, and FY 2020 funds designated by grantees to be used for COVID-19 response
  • Discussion operational issues and suggestions, such as methods for assessment, evidence of need, targeting of assistance, and documentation along with program rules specific to each funding stream
  • Feature STRMU-related Q&A with HOPWA Technical Assistance providers and leaders from HUD’s Office of HIV/AIDS Housing (OHH) available to answer additional questions
Register for the Webinar

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing instructions for joining the webinar.


If you have any questions about this webinar or encounter difficulties joining, please contact Valencia Moss at Valencia@collaborative-solutions.net.

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