(Baltimore County, MD) RFP: Nonprofit Support Contractor
Request for Proposals
Strategic Planning, Meeting Facilitation, and Strategic Plan Writing
Open Date: October 12, 2020
Proposal Due Date: November 12, 2020
Scope of Work
Baltimore County Communities for the Homeless (BCCH) seeks contractual support from a qualified facilitator and writer to assist in the development of a strategic plan, guiding and casting a vision for the future of the organization.
BCCH is an organization comprised of community stakeholders and concerned citizens of Baltimore County. We believe in the inherent value and dignity of all human beings, that housing is a human right, that advocacy is more powerful in collaboration and that it is possible to end homelessness in the county. BCCH was established with the purpose of serving the homeless citizens of Baltimore County by advocating, raising awareness, assessing current trends, informing and educating the public about issues and conditions that impact this vulnerable population.
Selected contractor(s) will work closely with the BCCH board and its members to shape the development of this plan over the course of a 3 to 4 month period beginning in December 2020 and concluding by March 2021.
Project Requirements (subject to change based on progression):
1) Facilitate at least 3 to 4 work sessions with the BCCH board and its members to:
a. Shape the planning process;
b. Synthesize the major themes and critical issues identified;
c. Reach consensus on the vision, mission, strategic goals, objectives, and activities of this project;
2) Design of tool and process for gathering additional input from the online community; and,
3) Writing and design of the strategic planning document.
The proposal must not exceed the $5000 budget. Cost proposals must include an overall estimate for all work in the proposal, as well as hourly and daily rates. Proposals should also factor in time for conference calls, as necessary, with the project planning committee throughout the process.
Proposals should not include a budget for
meeting space rental, food and refreshments, focus group incentives, or mass
printing and distribution of the strategic plan.
Proposal Submission
The proposal submission should not exceed six pages, with other supporting documentation appended as supplemental material, and should include:
Name of firm;
Name and contact
information for the consultant(s);
Description of
experience and qualifications;
Indication of
availability during project period;
Statement of work
to include a brief outline of contractor’s suggested approach for the project
with the understanding that the actual scope of work will be refined after
consultant selection;
Cost proposal; and,
7) At least three references.
Proposals are due on or before 5:00 PM EST on November 12, 2020.
Please include full resume(s) and samples of previous strategic planning work as appendices.
Please send proposals as a PDF file to:
Name: Megan
Title: BCCH
Email: bcchboard@gmail.com
Proposal Evaluation
A contractor will be selected through a competitive process based on:
· Background and experience in strategic planning;
· Meeting design expertise, facilitation skills, and
group process skills;
· Quality of writing, based on samples of work;
· Use of technology to facilitate input from
stakeholders; and,
· Cost effectiveness of proposal.
It is anticipated that the contractor
will be selected by late November 2020.