(HUD) NSP Action Plans and QPRs Posted for Q2 2020

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NSP Action Plans and QPRs Posted for Q2 2020

HUD-approved NSP1, NSP2, and NSP3 Action Plans and Quarterly Performance Reports (QPRs) for the second quarter of 2020 (April 1, 2020 - June 30, 2020) have been posted on the HUD Exchange.

NSP Action Plans, also known as Substantial Amendments, contain a description of a grantee's intended use for NSP funds. The plans contain information on the following topics: the areas of greatest need for NSP funding, the distribution and use of funds, program definitions and descriptions, low-income targeting, public comment, and activity descriptions. Action Plans are submitted via the Disaster Recovery Grant Reporting (DRGR) System and reviewed and approved by HUD before posting. To find an Action Plan, please visit the NSP Action Plans page.

NSP QPRs include information on how grantees are using NSP funds. QPRs contain project names, activity descriptions, project locations, national objectives, funds budgeted and expended, funding sources, numbers of properties and housing units, beginning and ending dates of activities, and numbers of low- and moderate-income persons or households benefiting from the use of NSP funds. QPRs are submitted via the DRGR System and reviewed and approved by HUD before posting. To find a QPR, please visit the NSP Quarterly Performance Reports page.

Please contact us regarding any questions about NSP Reports on the HUD Exchange.

Visit the HUD Exchange at https://www.hudexchange.info