(SSVF) Program Update Friday October 16th, 2020.
From: Supportive Services for Veteran Families
Date: October 16, 2020 at 4:00:48 PM EDT
Subject: SSVF Program Update Friday October 16th, 2020.
1. REGISTER NOW: SSVF National Webinar: Homelessness Prevention and Access – October 23rd, 2020 at 12:00pm EST
2. SAVE THE DATES: SSVF 2020 Virtual Housing Conference – November 9th -November 20th
3. ATTENTION: FY2021 Grant Agreement and Budget Submission Requirements Due October 20th, 2020
4. ATTENTION: FY2020 Closeout and FY2021 Budget Submission & Resolution Webinar and Questions & Answers Posted
REGISTER NOW: SSVF National Webinar: Homelessness Prevention and Access – October 23rd, 2020 at 12:00pm EST
The SSVF program office, in conjunction with the SSVF Technical Assistance team, will provide information about coordinating prevention with VA and community partners to serve as many Veterans at risk of experiencing homelessness as possible. This webinar will provide an overview of prevention planning and resources, including targeted prevention and rapid resolution. The webinar will also speak to local prevention planning opportunities and how to adjust prevention efforts based on changing demand for services. Please register at:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
SAVE THE DATES: SSVF 2020 Virtual Housing Conference – November 9th -November
The SSVF Program Office is pleased to announce that the 2020 Housing Conference will be virtual! This year, SSVF has partnered closely with HUD-VASH to design a virtual conference series that will take place November 9th - November 20th. Each day during those two weeks will include one or two virtual sessions for a total of 16 sessions. There will be no sessions on Veterans Day. Sessions will take place at either 1:00pm EST or 3:00pm EST each day and there will be no limit to the number of attendees who can participate. The SSVF Program Office will release the full schedule and registration details shortly, along with minimum expectations for SSVF Grantee attendance. We anticipate being able to offer Continuing Education Credits for the conference as well. While we will miss seeing you all in person this year, we hope the virtual format will allow for more Grantee staff to attend sessions relevant to their work.
ATTENTION: FY2021 Grant Agreement and Budget Submission Requirements Due October 20th, 2020
The SSVF Program Office distributed the FY2021 MOA and information regarding the FY2021 Budget and Grant Agreement Resolution Submissions this week. Grantees need to ensure they have reviewed this information and complete the GIFTS Requirements by October 20th, 2020. It is imperative that Grantees review the Budget Submission information and instructions carefully to ensure this document is completed and submitted as required. The October 8th webinar provided extensive information about the budget submission process, please refer to the recording as needed for questions. Attendees will receive the webinar recording early next week and it will be posted on the SSVF Website under National Webinars.
Should there be any questions regarding the FY2021 MOA, please contact the SSVF Program Office at SSVF@va.gov.
ATTENTION: FY2020 Closeout and FY2021 Budget Submission & Resolution Webinar and Questions & Answers Posted
The SSVF Program Office has posted the FY2020 Closeout and FY2021 Budget Submission and Resolution Webinar and Questions & Answers to the SSVF website for your reference. Grantees are encouraged to review this information to ensure understanding of the FY2020 Closeout process, as the timelines differs from previous years. It is also prudent for Grantees to understand and follow guidance provided regarding budget and resolution submissions for FY2021. This information can be found on the SSVF website, under Reporting and Monitoring Requirements at the link below:
SSVF Program Office