(NAEH) Message from Nan Roman, President, National Alliance to End Homelessness

Reminder: COVID-19 and Homelessness Survey

Dear Colleagues,

You recently received a survey from us --  CoC COVID-19 Survey/Fall 2020 (abbreviated survey).  I am writing with a special plea to you to fill out this brief form.

The Alliance and its Research Council have been surveying CoCs since early summer.  The data from these surveys is among the ONLY national data available on the impacts of the pandemic and recession on homelessness and homeless programs/systems.  We have used it to inform and convince Congress and the Administration about your needs and to get additional resources. We have shared the information with the media, state and local governments, and foundations to let them know of the challenges you face, and your needs.

We will soon need to make the case to a new Congress and Administration. We need updated information

I know that you are swamped, but I hope that you will take 10 minutes to fill out  the survey (as soon as possible, but no later than Tuesday, November 17).  And please keep an eye out for subsequent surveys so that we can keep this information on your needs up to date.

Thank you so much for all you are doing -- and thank you in advance for completing the survey!

Nan Roman
President & CEO
National Alliance to End Homelessness
