(HUD) Register Today: NRSA Webinar and Checklist for HUD Grantees - December 15, 2020 - 1:00 PM EST

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Register Today: NRSA Webinar and Checklist for HUD Grantees - December 15, 2020 - 1:00 PM EST

The Office of Block Grant Assistance (OBGA) is hosting a webinar to walk communities through the Neighborhood Revitalization Strategy Area (NRSA) Notice requirements and a checklist for grantees to use on what is required in a NRSA submission.

Training Objectives

Participants will learn about:

  • The requirements for a NRSA submission
  • How NRSA designation can be helpful in deploying Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and Section 108 funds in these areas
  • Regulatory flexibility with a variety of requirements applicable to the use of CDBG funds by Entitlement communities in a NRSA
  • The potential role of a NRSA designation in comprehensive community revitalization

Who Should Attend?

This webinar is intended for HUD partners, CDBG Entitlement communities, and professionals.

Registration Information

Date: December 15, 2020

Time: 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST

Register for the NRSA Webinar and Checklist for HUD Grantees training.

Training Point of Contact

Michelle Grainger | mgrainger@enterprisecommunity.org

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