(HUD) Upcoming ESG-CV Quarterly Reporting Office Hours – December 10 and December 16, 2020

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Upcoming ESG-CV Quarterly Reporting Office Hours – December 10 and December 16, 2020

Thank you for successfully submitting your first Emergency Solutions Grants Cares Act (ESG-CV) quarterly reports. As we approach the next reporting period – beginning January 1, 2021 and ending January 30, 2021 – HUD will be hosting office hours. The office hours will be focused on submitting the Q1 report as well as how to make any updates to the previous reporting period (the initial report) where needed.

There will be two office hours: one focused on state recipients and one focused on all other recipients. The content will be the same, however we expect the questions will be unique to each group. While we recommend attending the session associated with your recipient type (i.e., state, city, county), if you are unavailable for that session please attend the other session.

Participants do not need to register in advance. It is strongly recommended that you join the office hours 15 minutes prior to the start time (2:45 PM EST). To join the office hours, simply access the login pages at the links below.

Session Date Time
State Recipients: ESG-CV Quarterly Reporting Office Hours Thursday, December 10, 2020 3:00 – 4:30 PM EST
City/County Recipients: ESG-CV Quarterly Reporting Office Hours Wednesday, December 16, 2020 3:00 – 4:30 PM EST


If you have any questions about these office hours sessions or encounter difficulties joining, please contact Thomas_Bednar@abtassoc.com.

Visit the SNAPS Disease Risks and Homelessness page for a full list of COVID-19 infectious disease prevention and response resources.

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