(WellSky) LSA Status Update

WellSky important update
WellSky would like to provide you with some important updates about the LSA process. First, HUD has extended the LSA deadline until January 15th, 2021. Abt does not expect the deadline to be extended a second time.

Second, WellSky will be updating the LSA export again to resolve these specific flag ids: 897, 898, 899 and 900. WellSky will send out another announcement once we are ready to apply the update to the LSA export.

Third, here is the list of flag id's currently being researched by WellSky:
  • 786/848/887 related to reports that the dedicated beds fix in the last update only resolved for 2019 submissions and not 2020
  • 932 Chronically Homeless comparisons last submission to this submission
  • 852 bed night plus 1
  • 779 related to reports that client location fix did not work for all clients

Fourth, here is the list of flag id's that are currently being investigated by Abt: 466, 674, 684, 718, 757, 780, 801/804, and 1037. The review by Abt may result in sample code changes, no changes or a note to address it in the next submission period.

Please create a case in the Customer Community if you have further questions or if you need assistance with a specific flag id or set of flag ids.