(HUD) Renews Funding for Thousands of Local Homeless Programs

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HUD Renews Funding for Thousands of Local Homeless Programs

On January 29, 2021, HUD awarded $2.5 billion to renew support to thousands of local homeless assistance programs across the nation. HUD's Continuum of Care (CoC) grants will provide critically needed support to 6,597 local programs on the front lines of serving individuals and families experiencing homelessness.

Due to the pandemic, the funding announced today renews grants for existing programs. This process was dramatically streamlined because communities have been and will continue to be consumed with COVID-19 response and have limited capacity to participate in the traditional CoC competition.

View a complete list of all the state and local homeless projects awarded funding on HUD’s website.

Read HUD’s press release announcing these awards.

Visit the HUD Exchange at https://www.hudexchange.info