(NAEH) Action Required: Submit Forms to Receive Emergency Rental Assistance Funds

Best Practices A practical newsletter for people ending homelessness.

Deadline Approaching: Submit Forms for Emergency Rental Assistance Program Funds

The U.S. Treasury Department has recently announced the availability of $25 billion in rental assistance funds during the COVID-19 pandemic. The funds are provided directly to states, U.S. territories, local governments, and Indian tribes, and can be used for existing or newly created rental assistance programs.

Eligible grantees will need to submit forms by Tuesday, January 12 in order to accept the award.

Read the full details and access the forms >>>

ICYMI: Webinar on 2021 PIT Counts

In a webinar earlier this week, Alliance and University of Pennsylvania experts discussed the latest guidance on how communities can safely conduct 2021 Point in Time Counts during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The recording and accompanying slides are now available. Watch it here >>>

Upcoming CDC Webinar

COVID-19 Vaccination for People Experiencing Homelessness 
Tuesday, January 19
2-3 p.m. ET 

CDC staff will provide the most recent updates about COVID-19 vaccination for people experiencing homelessness. The webinar will cover COVID-19 vaccine basics​, safety​, the prioritization of persons experiencing homelessness for COVID-19 vaccination, special considerations for the vaccination of this population, and an example strategy from the Minnesota​ Department of Health.

  • Emily Mosites, PhD, MPH: Homelessness Unit, CDC Community Interventions and Critical Populations Task Force
  • Nathan Furukawa, MD, MPH: Disproportionately Affected Adults Populations Team, CDC Vaccine Task Force
  • Blair Harrison, MPH: Minnesota Department of Health