(SSVF) Program Update Friday January 29, 2021
From: SSVF
Date: January 29, 2021 at 8:59:15 AM EST
Subject: SSVF Program Update Friday January 29, 2021
NEW: SSVF FY2020 End of Year Closeout available in Smart Simple
REMINDER: SSVF Webinar Series: SSVF COVID-19 Vaccine Update
REGISTER NOW: SSVF National Webinar: Centering Race Equity through Data:
February 11, 2021, 2:00 PM EST
REMINDER: FY2022 NOFA Response Submission
REMINDER: Upcoming Webinar: Grants Management System Contacts
NEW: SSVF FY2020 End of Year Closeout available in Smart Simple
The SSVF FY20 End of Year Activity is now accessible within your Smart Simple portal at https://hmlsgrants-va.mod.udpaas.com. Please note that each SSVF grantee must complete the FY20 Financial Expenditure Report (Microsoft Excel), attach it to the Smart Simple online activity form, and document the completion of the Federal Financial Report (FFR) within the Payment Management System. Grantees must complete all three components prior to submission. Currently, the due date for submission is 02/16/2021, unless your organization has requested an extension through your Regional Coordinator. Please consult with your fiscal staff to ensure you have all the required documents needed to complete the activity. Your agency's customized Financial Expenditure Report was emailed to your agency contacts on 1/13/21.
REMINDER: SSVF Webinar Series: SSVF COVID-19 Vaccine Update
The SSVF Program Office is inviting SSVF Grantees, SSVF Health Care Navigators, and VA Medical Center SSVF Point of Contacts to a special webinar regarding homeless Veterans' access to COVID-19 vaccinations. Please make every effort to attend the webinar to hear information about accessing this vaccine through the local VA Medical Centers or local health departments. This webinar will be held Friday, January 29, 2021, at 12:00 pm EST. Please register at https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1770226227169812237
The Health Care Navigator Community-based Behavioral Health Services webinar previously scheduled for January 29 will be rescheduled.
REGISTER NOW: SSVF National Webinar: Centering Race Equity through Data:
February 11, 2021, 2:00 PM EST
The SSVF Program Office invites you to participate in a webinar on Centering Race Equity through Data. We will examine history and how it connects to present-day manifestations of institutional racism, share tools to identify possible disparities and inequities, and discuss the importance of using data to develop concrete actions that ensure Veterans from racially marginalized groups are served equitably. In preparation for this webinar, please review the SSVF Webinar on Race Equity from July 24, 2020. You can access the link here: https://youtu.be/JytwiubZEFo. Please register at https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4330419261985767950 After registering. You will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
REMINDER: FY2022 NOFA Response Submission: The Program Office has simplified the NOFA response submission this year and will only require grantees to submit a letter of intent to continue services through FY2022 or FY2023 for Priority 3 submissions, Budget & CoC distribution (Exhibit I-III), and proof of accreditation, when applicable. All grantees must complete the NOFA submission process in the grants management system by filling out required fields in the Intent to Renew form. Grantees are not required to upload a separate LOI word document as all required fields are included in the online form. Grantees must upload their completed budget using the excel template available on the website or within the grants management system. Grantees can find a recording of the January 8 webinar that described the process for submitting your application using the new grants management system can here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQFszmaHbEo&feature=youtu.be
The SSVF Program Office will not require a full application or letters of support from the CoC or VAMC with the submission this year. Although letters of support are not required, the SSVF Program Office expects grantees to continue planning with their local CoCs and VAMCs during the pandemic and throughout the grant year.
Grantees must submit all materials by the deadline of February 5, 2021, at 4 pm ET.
REMINDER: Upcoming Webinar: Grants Management System Contacts: The SSVF Program Office will be conducting a webinar on the Grants Management System contacts in the next few weeks. The SSVF program office will disseminate information and registration details about the webinar in the weekly Program Update. Thank you for your patience as we transition to the new system.
SSVF Program Office