Doing 'The Right Thing' Won't Solve the Racial Wealth Gap
Solutions to address racial wealth inequality have fallen short. Why? Shelterfore takes a closer look in its new series—The Racial Wealth Gap: Moving to Systemic Solutions.
As important as homeownership, business ownership, and higher education are—and make no mistake, we should not accept racial disparities in any of those things—we must go beyond simply promoting more of each if we want to make a difference in the racial wealth gap.
The Racial Wealth Gap—Moving to Systemic Solutions
Over the next several weeks, Shelterforce will explore the racial wealth gap and take a closer look at why we need systemic solutions, why we must stop extracting wealth from Black communities before asset building becomes truly possible, and why “homeownership is the top way to accumulate wealth” is too simplistic a statement.
By Anne Price, Insight Center for Community Economic Development
James A. Parsons made significant contributions to the nation, yet he was blocked from generating wealth to pass down to his family. Anne Price shares her relative's story, and why solutions to address racial wealth inequality have fallen short. READ MORE