Notice of Funding Opportunity Application Due Date: Friday, April 29, 2022 The purpose of this program is to support a comprehensive public health and evidence-based approach that: - Enhances mental health services for all college students, including those at risk for suicide, depression, serious mental illness (SMI)/serious emotional disturbances (SED), and/or substance use disorders that can lead to school failure;
- Prevents and reduces suicide, and mental and substance use disorders;
- Promotes help-seeking behavior; and
- Improves the identification and treatment of at-risk college students so they can successfully complete their studies
It is expected that this program will help to identify students who are at risk for suicide and suicide attempts, increase protective factors that promote mental health, reduce risk factors for suicide, and ultimately reduce suicides and suicide attempts. SAMHSA plans to issue 22 awards of up to $102,000 per year for up to 3 years. |